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New Public Lecture Series

“Information security affects everyone.”

In October last year, HAIC announced a new public outreach initiative with the aim of making the field of information security more accessible to a broader audience.

As part of this initiative, we are pleased to announce a new series of regular public lectures on contemporary topics in information security. The lectures will be given by academics and researchers from Finland, as well as invited experts. In the style of studia generalia, these lectures are free and open to everyone. No prior background knowledge in information security is required. These lectures are made possible through the support of the Aalto University School of Science.

For further information, please contact Dr Andrew Paverd <>

We are pleased to announce the first lecture in this series:

Recent Trends in Cybercrime – 22 February

Registration required: The event is free of charge, but registration is required:

Speaker: Yves Vandermeer, Chair of the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group.

Lecture description: Cybersecurity is a trending topic nowadays, but what about Cyber crime, Dark markets, and Crypto currencies? Who are the cyber criminals, how are they organised, what tools do they use, and how do they choose their victims? Are we all targeted or are some of us more vulnerable? And finally, what is being done by law enforcement?

About the speaker: Yves Vandermeer holds an MSc in Computer Forensics, and has 20 years experience in law enforcement as a computer crime and computer forensics practitioner. Since 2017, he has been working for the Norwegian Police University College where he carries out research on file systems forensics, live data and network forensics. His focus is on delivering knowledge and tools to law enforcement practitioners and improving computer crime fighting and computer forensics handling. As chairman of the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group, Yves promotes cooperation between Academic and LEA worlds, bringing topic experts together to raise expertise and address identified cyber training needs.

Venue: Lumituuli Auditorium, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, Otaniemi, 02150, Espoo.

Time: 18:00 – 19:30 (doors open at 17:30). The lecture will be approximately 45 minutes, after which there will be time for questions.