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Next Monday: Secure Systems Demo Day 2024

Secure Systems Demo Day will be on next Monday! The event starts with two talks: Lachlan Gunn will present the research and teaching highlights from Aalto and University of Helsinki and Samuel Marchal from VTT will give an overview of VTT’s research interests in cybersecurity. After the talks, researchers present their latest results in the poster session.

This year, a record high number of companies and organizations will attend the event. You can meet representatives from Elisa, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia Bell Labs, Nvidia, SSH, Traficom, Vaisala, and VTT during the poster session, and Women4Cyber Finland organization will attend our event for the first time and EU project “Cyber Citizen” will come to demonstrate the “Cyber City Tycoon” educational game that is part of project’s aim to develop and enhance the cyber security skills of all EU citizens.

Coffee and buns are served in the beginning of the poster session, and pizza and drinks in the end of the poster session.


13:00-14:00          Registration desk open, CS lobby (1st floor)

14:00-15:00           Research highlight talks, T1 auditorium (2nd floor)

  • 14:00-14:40 Lachlan Gunn (Aalto University)
  • 14:40-15:00 Samuel Marchal (VTT)

15:00-18:00           Poster session & company desks, CS library (1st floor)

  • 15:00-15:30 Coffee & buns
  • 17:00-18:00 Pizza & drinks

Event website:

Registration: Registration is open until the event ends but if you register later than 14.6. you have make your name tag yourself.

Event location: Computer Science building, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo.

Parking: We recommend public transportation as there is limited number of parking slots close to the building. More information here:

Public transportation: Please note that the Metro exit B (Tietotie exit) is notin use at the moment!

Recording: We will not stream or record the talks in the event.

See you on Monday!