To support the international mobility of computer science students at School of Science and especially studies in information security field, Helsinki-Aalto Institute for Cybersecurity (HAIC), offers an additional 500€ mobility scholarship on top of Aalto exchange scholarship for one semester exchange studies abroad. The number of scholarships available depends on the number of scholarships granted in the previous application periods. Possible available scholarships for each application round will be informed on this page before and during the exchange application period.
The next application round is 10-31 January 2025 and there are ten (10) HAIC mobility scholarships available.
If more eligible applicants than available scholarships, the ranking of students will be done according to “Academic index” (*see discription at the end of the page)
Eligible target groups
- Double degree students in SECCLO-Master’s programme in Security and Cloud Computing
- SECCLO- self-funded master level students not benefitting Erasmus Mundus scholarship
- Outgoing exchange students from the following programmes, only with these named majors:
- Students in Master’s programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences
- major security and cloud computing/security and mobile computing
- the draft study plan for exchange studies is approved by professor Tuomas Aura
- Students in Bachelor programmes
- Science and Technology (major computer science)
- Aalto Bachelor programme in Science and Technology (major data science)
Criteria for Bachelor-level students:
- completed CS-C3130 Information Security course in transcript by the time of the application
- at least one information security course in the preliminary study plan for exchange
- the draft study plan for exchange studies is approved by professor Tuomas Aura or Janne Lindqvist
Destination: target countries and universities
- any university with which Aalto has an Erasmus or bilateral exchange agreement
- SECCLO consortium universities (KTH, NTNU, UT, DTU, Eurecom) are recommended
- free mover destinations are not eligible
General criteria and number of scholarships available
- the applicant fulfills School of Science policy for international exchanges and is eligible for HAIC scholarships if selected to exchange destination and if fulfills HAIC criteria for scholarship (target groups)
- HAIC do no select students to exchange destinations nor allocate Aalto scholarships but may grant this additional HAIC mobility scholarship for eligible students benefitting Aalto scholarship for exchange studies.
- SECCLO students: your exchange destination is your exit university on 2nd year.
- PLEASE NOTE: Students from other eligible programmes (than SECCLO) need to apply for the exchange place from the partner university of Aalto University during the Aalto exchange application periods. HAIC scholarship does not come with the exchange destination.
- total number of available scholarships for the year 2025: 10 x 500€
- if more eligible applicants than available scholarships, the ranking of students will be done according to “Academic index”
- number of scholarships for each application round will be updated after the previous application round.
Application procedure:
- SECCLO-students: please contact for guidelines.
- Students from other eligible programmes than SECCLO: please complete normal application procedure for exchange studies to apply for the exchange destination. Please add a message: “I am applying for HAIC scholarship” for Remarks at the online application form. You can contact if any questions.
Further information on Aalto exchange studies:
*Academic Index: The academic index is calculated: credits / number of semesters attended x weighted Grade Point Average. The current semester is calculated to the semesters.