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Call for Assistant Professor in System Security at CS Aalto

The Department of Computer Science at Aalto University – in the top 20 young universities worldwide – invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the field of Systems Security. The candidates are expected to have expertise in computer and communications systems security. We are looking for early-career computer scientists with a strong track record to support our Computer Science Bachelor program and Computer, Communication and Information Sciences Master Program.

Women and others whose hiring would increase diversity in computer science are especially encouraged to apply.

Application deadline 9 March 2025.

Further information:

In addition to Systems Security, the department is looking for Assistant Professors in the fields of:

Computer Architecture and Programming Languages (application deadline 16 March 2025)

Human-Computer Interaction (application deadline 23 March 2025)

Software Engineering (application deadline 9 March 2025)