The first HAIC Talk of 2019 will be given by Prof. Colin Boyd from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Colin will talk about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and will explain what kind of cryptographic building blocks are behind cryptocurrencies and how they fit together to enable a distributed payment system.
Colin Boyd completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1995 from the University of Warwick, UK. After 5 years at British Telecom Research Laboratories, where he first became interested in cryptography and information security, he started an academic career at University of Manchester. In 1995 he emigrated to Australia and spent 18 years at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). During this time he became Research Director at the QUT Information Security Institute. In 2013 he returned to Europe, taking up a position as Professor in Information Security at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His main research interests are in cryptographic protocols, including key exchange, payment systems and voting.
Venue: Lumituuli Auditorium, Dipoli, Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo.
Date: 6.2.2019
Time: 17:30 – 18:30 (coffee and buns served from 17:00). The lecture will be approximately 45 minutes, after which there will be time for questions.
Registration: HAIC Talks are open to everyone and free of charge but we ask you to register for the event as it helps us to estimate the number of coffees ordered, thank you.
The HAIC public outreach initiative aims to make information security more accessible to a broader audience. As part of this initiative, are organizing HAIC Talks, a series of public lectures on contemporary topics in information security. In the style of studia generalia, these lectures are free and open to everyone. No background knowledge in information security is required. HAIC Talks are made possible through the generous support of the Aalto University School of Science.