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Congratulations to new security specialists

The first students from the Master’s Programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO) have graduated and the rest of the students from the first intake in 2018 will graduate later in the summer.

The SECCLO consortium consists of six universities which are renowned research and educational institutions in Europe, and among the top-ranking universities of technology in the Nordic countries: Aalto University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), University of Tartu (UT) and EURECOM (France).

The students complete the first year of the Master’s programme at Aalto University and spend the second study year abroad in one of the consortium universities. Students select the exit university according to their security interests as universities have different specialization tracks: communications systems at KTH, information security at NTNU, reliable distributed systems at DTU, cryptography at UT, and big data security at EURECOM. Both Mr Cornelissen and Ms Long studied at the University of Tartu, in Estonia, in addition to Aalto and they say that they enjoyed their time at both universities and in both countries. Both graduates warmly recommend the SECCLO programme for students who are interested in security. ‘Of course, you have to be interested in living in two countries, so you also need to be a bit adventurous,’ Mr Cornelissen adds.

You can read more about students’ study experiences from Aalto News.


If you got interested in studying security at Aalto University, please read more on:

Master’s Programme in Computer, Communication and Information Sciences – Security and Cloud Computing

Master’s Programme in Security and Cloud Computing (SECCLO)